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I just got back to my home in the village from Serenje yesterday evening after a long day of "transport." Transport is the blanket term used to describe any method that you get from once place to another. Sometimes hitchi hiking--my personal favorite-- and mostly miserable public busses. Some of you may have gotten a texst message from me about hitching with the 96 Olympic Silver Medalist in the 400M dash. That was a nice ride. On this particular trip home I spent a bit of time sprawled out across some corn meal bags in the bed of a pick up truck soaking up the sun.
I was in Serenje because I was on what is known as "second site visit." Its part of our training where they send us back out into the bush to stay with a volunteer in the area where we will be posted. In case you are wondering I will be posted in Central Province in a village called Chibale. If you looked it up on a map it would be kinda fun to point out to your other friends, just a thought. My new address is ( I think, and I will correct it if I am wrong)
My name (obviously)
P.O. Box 850010
Serenje, Zambia
During my second site visit I was with four other of my friends staying with a volunteer who will be leaving in the next couple weeks. So we had a going away party of sorts in the village. It was a whole new world of partying. They brew there own beer and wine, which honestly I would is not an accurate reference to the actually consistency and taste. The Katata--or beer-- is thick with corn-- or unfiltered as they like to say-- and tastes like nothing beer has ever been associated with. After drinking about 6 mugs full and not getting the nice happy feeling I'm accustomed to when drinking beer I swiched to tea wine which is reminiscent of moon shine, but again with out the efficiency of moon shines alcohol level. Still though, I had an awesome time seeing how a village party is and dancing around the fire and generally being wild.
So more later I hope all is well and I look forward to hearing from you, wink wink.
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