Lady in Red
There are a few things that happen seldomly for me in Zambia, one is having internet access twice in a week, another is sitting on a toilet when using he bathroom. Both have happened today in no particular order. What is more common is hearing "Lady in Red," or Michael Bolten twice in a row, and even non stop Marven Gaye or Lionel Richie while doing a variety of activities like hitching to town, eating lunch with my homestay family or even perusing the local radio stations in the late evening.
Today over lunch it was "Lady in Red." I couldn't help but smile wistfully as it blarred through the ginormous boom box in the dining/living room. When I say blarred, what I mean is that if I close my eyes and had a drink in my hand I could probably pretend that I was at a rave. I'm constantly sweating like I had a party drug cocktail--not that I ever have, this is just based on a Lifetime movie I saw once-- which adds to feeling of being shoulder to shoulder in a warehouse with the music screaming away. Who knew that even "Lady in Red" could conjure that up feeling at certain decibals?
On a completely unrelated note I think that I am losing my hair. One of the side effects of the Malaria meds we take is hair loss but I was secretely hoping that would skip me and I could just stick with the "vivid dreams" or maybe loss of balance--that would be fun on bike. I brushed my hair last night and came away with a solid handful. I don' t think that it is all from one place but my hair is not exactly thick as it is, "I can't spare a square" so to speak. Maybe I can call locks of love and get my hair back. I look into it.
I've been getting crabby with myself whenever I get to town because I forget half the funny stuff that I was meaning to tell people. I thought about writing it down but that seemed weird to me. I'll try hard to have something good for you on Sunday. We're going to a Dam on Saturday where we will be having a BarBQue so I bet I'll have something good.
Keep on keeping on....
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