Wednesday, February 01, 2006

Back to life, back to reality

I just got back from four days of my first site visit in the "bush." It was AWESOME! The PCV we stayed with was wicked cool and gave us a really great idea of what it was going to be like once we got through training. His compound was about 25 miles of the "tarmac" which is Zambian for paved road. It was an adventure ride in the Landcruiser out to his place.
He lives right next to the rural health center and a water pump which was really nice considering how much water the five us went through a day. One of the other PCV's hasn't bathed at his site for 107 days and counting. Turns out that guy is rugged. I bathed everyday and felt sweaty and dirty again within about two minutes of getting dressed. My saving grace is the Chitenga. Its a skirt wrap sarong thing. Alot more breezy than pants if you know whatI mean. Ohh and I'm tan again. And I haven't had any crazy dreams from the malaria meds--that I can remember.
But back to bathing, that was a fun time! We got a bucket of water and a cup and a bathing shelter which is open air. So I bathed under the most amazing starry night ever. In the UP you see stars, but in the bush you see all the stars. Its so hard to put everything that I have done so far into a post but just know that it is great and I love it. I talk about you all constantly and hope that someday you can make it here to see what its like. I would love to get letters from you and pictures--I think that I said that before. If you feel really inspired some chapsick and mascara and granola bars and beef jerkey would be appreciated to. I'll definately try and keep this up and maybe in a week I'll have something funny to say....


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