Happy Birthday Jesus!
Today is one of my favorite days of the year! It also happens to correspond with the four week mark before I leave. So let's do the math together--this is what I do when I teach elementary school. Dec. 25 through the 31st is 6 days, plus, 22 days of January before I leave = 28 days, divided by 7 (the number of days in a week) = 4 weeks!
Wasn't that fun?! I thought so.
Today, in addition to eating my weight in refined sugars, I will start the process of cleaning my room and packing. It is a big divide a conquer project. My friends are like vultures waiting to see what I will leave to them or bequeath to them in my absence.
I bartered away the rights to my TV and DVD player/audio system for a Camel Bak and GPS. Probably they got the better end. But at least some one will be making use of it. It is going to be tough parting with some of my clothes. But I keep telling myself that when I get back we'll all be wearing space suits anyways.
Well there is a big piece of apple pie waiting for me in the kitchen so I'm going to rap this up. Merry Christmas! A bientot!
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