At Least it's not Cricket
Happy begining of World Cup everyone!! I bet your not half as excited as I am. Ok, I'm not really excited at all. I feel like I'm missing something, like I should be more intersted. But even in what most sports fans would consider and ideal sport watching environment, (at the game being excluded) an Irish pub with about six TV's. I just couldn't get into it. The people on the screen are so small and it feels like they are moving really slow. I shouldn't complain though. I was eating a real salad and my drink had ice cubes in it and atleast it wasn't cricket we were watching.
So I'm hoping that today the doctor will tell me that I can go home to my site. I need to not be in the city anymore. I finished the half a book that I brought and then read the 2001 GRE study book and did all practice tests and then I started studying for the MCAT. I'm not taking the MCAT, ever. I was hoping to find the Foriegn Service Exam study book but none were around. There isn't a real selection of fun reading material at the office. And smutty American magagzines like Cosmo and Elle and Glamour are about 10$ a piece. Thats an expensive habit I don't want to get into to.
But at the same time of wanting to leave the city I have anxiety about going back because my house is going to be an absolute mess. My cat has been alone in the house for almost two weeks now and she is either dead in the house from no water or she has destroyed the entire place with her razor claws. And if shes dead that means that snakes could have come in to the house or mice..... I had produce (onions, eggs, tomatoes, potatoes, and lemons) that are now rotten and molding. I'm going to spend an entire day just cleaning and de-funking everything. Plus I've missed some mentoring that I was suppse to be doing for a creative HIV/AIDS education contest. Hopefully, as was rumored to me through the gossip lines of Zambia, the competition was pushed back. That would mean that I can still play an active role in this and my month of June won't feel like a giant waste.
Since I've gotten a cell phone I've been able to talk to people and feel not so out of the loop. It is so nice. I've talked to my friend in Dubai, my friends back home, and my parents. It turns out though that I'm not getting any text messages that are sent from the states to me. I think maybe that either they aren't putting in the country code right or maybe that US cell companies don't offer that as a service. Bummer.
I wish my life here in Lusaka was funnier, but in the city its just about the same. When I was in that Irish pub I felt like I could have been in the US. (Except for the fact that we were watching the World Cup which totally wouldn't have flown during the NBA play offs.) An Irish pub in Zambia, the more I think about it the more ridiculous the place seems.
Anywho, I'm off to get some good news about my leg. Have a great day and enjoy the summer for me, because it is getting cold here.
well i watched some world cup and though it IS more exciting than watching paint dry it certainly is not as fun as ncaa basketball. must be a cultural thing. I am sure Opa is enjoying it since Neth won today. i guess i should find out what it costs to add text msg capabilities to my phone
Here are some Peace Corps / Zambia blogs that I have found. If you know of any others that I have missed please let me know. Thanks!
-Mike Sheppard
RPCV / The Gambia
If your friends have Verizon here in the U.S., they should be able to text you. Not sure about the other providers. I think Sprint won't allow any texting to Africa. I have Verizon here and my wife has Celtel in Zambia and we can text each other as much as we can afford. BTW-Sorry for my random comment from a random person on the internet but I thought I would let you know. Your friends need to put in 011260 and then enter in the rest of the phone number in order to send you a message. For example, 01126097712345. I'll be praying that your leg gets better.
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