R O U S's Rodents of Unusual Size
I'm not really having problems with rodents of unusual size but they do burrow around and it is quite an affair when they makea break for the surface and people are perched patiently with medieval garden hoes ready to strike. Good times in Zambia I tell you what!
The Von Trapp family is doing very well and we just had cultural night yesterday. It was the day that our host families get together with us at our training center and cook traditional foods--most of which can or could be found on survivor. Like catipillars and flying ants and termites. Those are like cheetos to some people here. A big "AWE" for me. That means no in Bemba. I tried the little treats they hold so dear and was not impressed. I, in my finest American form, embarrassed my BaMayo with a stading ovation and hollars when she told us all what she had cooked. It was a good time for all involved. Cooking here in Zambia takes time. I would say that atleast 3 hours a day is devoted to cooking and its process. Lighting the fire, boiling water, cutting, mixing, ect.
I'm still surviving for the most part. I'm learning to play soccer, thats fun. I'm pretty much strong arming everyone. I got a wicked sun burn yesterday during the soccer and volleyball games that I took part in. The African sun does not mess around. I' going to be leather when I get home. The finest gold color but leather none the less.
I would love to tell you more but I'm on a search for ice cream cones and milk shakes with my compadres.