Friday, April 13, 2007

Emily "Steak" and other mispronunciations

I am now fondly referred to by some as Ba Steak. They have a real problem "R's"--well and "L's" too. My friend named a baby in her village "Pearl." They brought the baby back a week later to rename her because they couldn't pronounce it. No body has asked me to name a baby yet but I think that I'm going to try for Pearl too.

I'm a big fan of reading three or four books at a time. Right now I'm reading "She's Come Undone," "World on Fire," and "The End of Oil." I don't think that I'm going to finish The first one. It is by Wally Lamb, who I've heard does good things. But the book is depressing and I just can't get into it. People have called me a quitter because I don't finish some books. I like to think that I don't like to stay in bad relationships, and why should books be excluded. The Wally Lamb book is an abusive book relationship. I don't like any book where parents die in tragic accidents (I'm sorry if I ruin the book for someone). Being brought to tears in my mud hut in the middle of Africa before I fall asleep is not a good relationship. Like I really need any more horrible thoughts of things happening to people I love at home. No thanks.

The other two books are great though. I think everyone should read them--or at least the cliff notes. They are really relevant to the current affairs of the world. I don't really know if people in America are tuned into the greater world yet. I feel like maybe they are starting. The BBC is doing a program on why the world hates America. It wasn't really as hard hitting as I hoped but it does have a second part to the program that is done from the perspective of Turkey. That could get interesting. If you are one of those who is still avoiding the current Geo-political wranglings I would recommend getting some news in your life.

Despite everything that is going on and everyone who apparently loathe Americans and the West's Imperialism people in Zambia really enjoy us. On the BBC program people in Venezuela said that they would rather live in Cuba than the US. Ouch. People in Zambia are always asking me to marry them, adopt them, or some way or another get them into America. I always ask, "so, what are you going o do when you get there?" They were appalled when I told them that my parents work at least 40 hours a week and as many as 60. People in the developing world (I can really only speak for Zambia I guess) have such a weird idea of America. The lifestyle in rural areas does not even compute to me much of the time. I wonder what an American CEO would do if they went to the village. May Peace Corps volunteers should have bring your favorite CEO to the village day. That would be cultural exchange. My mom is coming soon. I can't wait to see what she makes of it all considering that she has seen Latin America and Kenya already.

I hope this brief update keeps you satiated.

All the best!

Thursday, April 12, 2007

The Dentist and my other favorite things

I'm in Lusaka right now for Mid-term medical evaluation (following an amazing vacation to Malawi) and I was able to see the dentist for the first time in 16 or so months. I skipped all the way into one of the most sterile rooms I have ever seen outside the Peace Corps medical office. It was shiny and white with the distinct smell of antiseptic and fluoride. Needless to say I was in heaven. I felt a bit bad because I had just eaten lunch and I forgot my tooth brush and was unable to brush away the remnants of the bacon chicken sandwich I had eaten. It was a bit rougher than my usual hygienist but beggars and volunteers can't be choosers. It was discovered that I had a small cavity which will have to be filled at a later date. Bummer. Everything else medically checked out great. Good resting heart rate and good blood pressure. I don't think that I could be any healthier.

Today has been an amazing day. The sun was shining, but not too brightly. There was a nice breeze and every taxi driver gave me a fair price. Maybe there will even be hot showers at the back packer place where I'm staying at. There is this amazing new ice cream place in Lusaka that I think I'm going to visit tonight and celebrate my well being. Then I'm going to watch ESPN for as long as possible. If, after all that, I have any energy left I'll go dancing.

I have a bit of apologizing to do now. I posted a thank you to a few people that have kept in contact with me regularily only to get emails from a few others saying that they had sent things too. I'm really sorry because the mail system isn't exactly reliable or timely. If you ever send anything by mail it is best to warn me by way of email. It seems silly to email that you're mailing but that way I can know how many packages have been lost in the trans Atlantic postal void. It is really a shame and I'm really sorry. I hope that all of you have been getting letters and postcards from me as well, although they also go missing. If you have any address or cell number changes I would love to stay updated.

I hope everything your side is going good. I should be posting again sooner than later!!