I am almost a little embarrassed to say that this is my third blog. I abandoned my live journal and I am somewhat maintain my xanga. I want to dedicate this one to Peace Corps, to preparing for it and for the drama that will no doubt unfold once I am there. Hopefully my family and friends will book mark me or add me to their favorites and check up on me from time to time (more than likely I'll become a distant memory.)
So on that note exactly two months from tomorrow I will be leaving for Philly for staging. Staging is where I will meet people who are going to Zambia with me. There are 30 of us I believe. Staging is also the time where we really start to enter the cult/fraternity of Peace Corps (PC.) The frat where rushing really doesn't get hard until your already in. But hey, at least I'll get to where their cool T-shirt so everyone will no how tough I am!
I'll have to start speaking in the super secret PC code of acronyms so no one else will be able to infiltrate our special group. Honestly I think that they, in an effort to conserve paper, made everything and acronym. For the first forms I was given to fill out and couple major booklets that I was given to read I was just guessing what they were saying. Slowly I've been putting it together.
COS=Country of Service, ET=Early Termination, RPCV=Returned Peace Corps Volunteers, ect.
Well anywho, more later.